The north coast of Scotland is one of the most dramatic coastlines in the British Isles. With its exposure to the Atlantic Ocean and strong tidal flows it is also one of the most serious. In good conditions and with appropriate experience it offers some of the most spectacular and rewarding sea kayaking Scotland has to offer.
North Coast
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Cape Wrath
North Coast
Click the trip numbers to link to trip page.
Faraid Head
Whiten Head
Eilean Nan Ron
Farr Point
Strathy Point
Sandside Head
Holborn Head
Dunnet Head
Island of Stroma & Swona
Pentland Skerries
Duncansby Head
Grade A
Relatively easy landings with escape routes easily available. Offering relative shelter from extreme conditions and ocean swell. Some tidal movement may be found, but easy to predict with no major tidal races or overfalls.
Grade B
Some awkward landings, and sections of coastline with no escape routes should be expected. Tidal movement, tidal races, overfalls, crossings, ocean swell and surf may be found on these trips. They will also be exposed to the weather and associated conditions.
Grade c
Difficult landings with no escape routes for long sections of the trip. Fast tidal movement, tidal races, overfalls, extended crossing, ocean swell and surf may be found on all of these trips. Exposed to the weather and sea state, therefore require detailed planning and paddlers competent in rough water conditions. The journey may require good conditions for the trip to be viable.