31 – 41KM
Grade C
This is a deservedly popular paddling area in Scotland, and this trip takes in some of the best parts. There is a great blend of history and wildlife on this trip, along with unique geological variety. There are strong tidal streams to keep the mind focussed on the navigation, with islands, mountains and sea all around.
31 – 41 KM
No Landing Zones
Coastal Paddling
Strong Tidal Effects
Open Sea Crossings
Grade C
Show Description
A wealth of islands to explore with plenty of options
Fast tidal waters & potential for play
Plenty of historical interest to see and explore
Huge variety in the views that surround: mountains, sea and islands
Plenty of camping opportunities to make the most of the location
Useful Links and/or Updates
This trip forms part of the Argyll Sea Kayak Trail (www.paddle-argyll.org.uk) and information regarding this is found at Arduaine.
At Cuan there is launching, camping, showers and unique ‘lifeboat accommodation’ found at Argyll Kayaking Cove. There is a reasonable charge for use of any of the above and it comes highly recommended.
This trip is detailed in the following Guidebook:
Our Affiliate Store
This trip is covered by the following OS Map:
OS Landranger (55)
Lochgilphead & Loch Awe
Support Scotland’s only specialist sea kayak shop, the independent family run Sea Kayak Oban. If you buy through this link we might get a small commission.
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