22 KM
Grade B
The Isle of May, known as the ‘Jewel of the Forth’, is a National Nature Reserve. Over 200,000 seabirds come here to breed every year, with puffins being the most numerous. The west coast is made of cliffs that rise vertically out of the sea, with caves at their base. During the breeding season for Atlantic grey seals there will be around 3,000 seals on the island, making this the most important breeding ground for grey seals on the east coat of Scotland.
22 KM
Coastal Paddling
No Landing Zones
Grade B
Show Description
The numerous puffins – everyones favourite!
The huge variety of other nesting sea birds
The steep cliffs with plenty of interest
The grey seals
The unique ‘gothic’ style lighthouse and the long history of early light warning systems on the island
Useful Links and/or Updates
For more information about the Isle of May check out: http://www.nature.scot
The Scottish Seabird Centre in North Berwick has a webcam positioned on the island: http://www.seabird.org
In Anstruther there is the Scottish Fisheries Museum which is also well worth a visit to better understand the history of the area and fishing: http://www.scotfishmuseum.org
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