24 KM
Grade C
Westray is the most north-westerly of the Orkney’s and to paddle around its most north-westerly headland provides an ‘on the edge of the world’ experience. The cliffs will not disappoint and Noup Head is one of the largest breeding sites for sea birds in the UK. Add to this some spectacular beaches along with a welcoming community and a great trip is guaranteed.
25 KM
No Landing Zones
Coastal Paddling
Tidal Movement
Surf Landing
Vehicle Shuttle
Grade C
Show Description
The unbelievable amount of nesting birds at Noup Head
The ‘edge of the world’ feel about Westray’s west coast
The impressive cliffs and rock architecture
The stunning beaches discovered on route
Paddling under Noup Head lighthouse high above perched on the edge of the cliffs
Useful Links and/or Updates
For ferry information to get out to Westray check out: http://www.orkneyferries.co.uk
This trip is detailed in the following Guidebooks:
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This trip is covered by the following OS map:
OS Landranger (5)
Orkney – Northern Isles
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